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Artwork with light

Explore this fun collection of light-up, remote controlled artwork

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Dinosaur Bones

The fundamental intention behind 'Dinosaur Bones' is to make the viewer feel a sense of joy. I can rely on certain artists, such as Dali or Hockney, to convey a deep-rooted joy and creative passion through their work. On occasion, I think that passion bleeds out of art that is made this way, like a radiant light. Creating 'Dinosaur Bones' was solely about shining this light. The addition of the mechanical curtains further relay this joy for making; an almost child-like instinct to build. 

Curtain and Light Demonstration

The 'Hockney's Eye' exhibition in the Teyler's Museum, Haarlem (Sep22-Jan23), was a large source of inspiration for 'Dinosaur Bones'. In this collection, Hockney explored perspective within art, history and new interpretation. Being immersed in this exhibition sparked a series of questions surrounding the lens of reality, eventually leading me to the common philosophical query:  if a tree falls in the forest with no ears to hear does it make a sound? With an excitement for delving into observation and perception, I wanted to communicate that anything can be possible when we stop looking through the clouded, restrictive lens of reality.


Willow Falls

As an addition to the 'Solitude' collection, I wanted this piece to exude a sense of tranquillity. Often the implication of silence that comes with isolation can feel daunting, so creating an atmosphere that found the balance between peace and the hum of natural life was crucial. Many wish that they could drop everything to live in a remote safe-haven far from normality; 'Willow Falls' allows the viewer to get lost within its otherworldly surroundings.

The 'Solitude' collection intends to provoke reflection in its viewers surrounding loneliness. When the mirror in front of someone truly reflects them, and not their surroundings or societal standards, real beauty can be observed. This modification of the isolation perception demonstrates just one of the values within solitude.


Light Demonstration

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