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'Gilly'squidges' is an additional piece in the 'Jellysquidge' series. This paintings are inspired by the freedom within creation, combined with the feeling of joyful nostalgia. The playful brush strokes throughout the body of the painting contrast with the precise, careful strokes of the chinese characters.


Poem in the painting (reads from left to right, top to bottom):


面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the Sea, with Spring Blossom by 海子(Hai Zi)


从明天起, 做一个幸福的人

Starting tomorrow, I will be a happy person


喂马, 劈柴, 周游世界

Feed a horse, split logs, travel the world


从明天起, 关心粮食和蔬菜

Starting tomorrow, I will care for crops and vegetables


我有一所房子, 面朝大海, 春暖花开

I have a house; it faces the sea, and flowers bloom in spring warmth


从明天起, 和每一个亲人通信

Starting tomorrow, I will contact every relative



to tell them about my happiness.



As that lightning bolt of happiness told me



I will tell each and every person



Give every river and every mountain a warmhearted name


陌生人, 我也为你祝福

As for strangers, I wish you happiness too



I wish you a glittering future



I wish you a lover who becomes a spouse



I wish that you obtain happiness in this world


我只愿面朝大海, 春暖花开

I wish only to face the sea, where flowers bloom in spring warmth


SKU: 17
  • Original artwork by LiLian Tjia

    Acrylic on canvas

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